1st March 2017

Support Policy

ShopWired is an advanced ecommerce platform with a very wide range of features that allow you to build a successful ecommerce business. 

Because of the large number of individual features available on ShopWired, it will inevitably take you time to learn all of the 'ins' and 'outs' of the system. 

All ShopWired's packages include full help and support on using all of our features, at no additional cost to you. 

Our support team is here to help you if you need any kind of assistance with any of the tools available.

What ShopWired can and can't do

We can offer you as much assistance as you need in learning about and understanding the ShopWired system. This is included free of charge as part of your payment for using ShopWired.

However, the ShopWired support team cannot perform tasks for you. If you would like our assistance in maintaining your website or adding data into your account then this is a service that we offer but we'll need to charge you for the time involved. Please contact us for a quote.

Third party systems

ShopWired customers regularly use third party systems to enhance the features of their online store, for example Mailchimp (for collection of email subscribers and sending out emails) or review tools like Feefo or Reviews.co.uk 

Whilst we are happy to support customers using third party systems in respect to any integration tools that ShopWired provides or additional features available on ShopWired connected to third party systems, ShopWired support cannot support customers on using third party systems themselves (e.g. managing their account) or with any problems/bugs concerning the third party system. 

Where an error occurs with a third party system ShopWired support are happy to investigate the cause of the error insofar as it relates to ShopWired's integration or additional tools within ShopWired concerning the third party system. 

Often errors are caused by bugs on the third party system themselves. These bugs should be reported to and investigated by the third party system. 

We'd always recommend contacting the third party system for assistance first before contacting ShopWired. 

Where you report an error to ShopWired and our investigation concludes that the error is as a result of a bug on the third party system you will be charged for the time taken by our team in it's investigation.